Here I will just put pics of our trip to Hawaii , Dec 5th through Dec 12th 2001. We went over for Dad's 60th Konehoe Clipper
reunion. Konehoe was hit a couple of minutes before Pearl Harbor in 1941. Dad (Kidd) was stationed there during WWII. Some
of Myrl's sister's were ther and my mom came over from Fla as well. It was a great reunion and we all had a great time. We
took a tour of Pearl Harbor as well as many activities planned for us by the Clipper association.
This pic is our first night in Hawaii. We were attending the Polenesian Revue at the Hale Koa Hotel. What a buffet!! So
much food you did not know where to start!. The show was great and seing the family was a big plus! This was for Dad(Kidd)
so most of the people here are Kidd's. My Mom came too so we had a representation of several lines here.


Dad and RADM Anthony L Winns

Myrl & Lou Wakiki Beach

Arizona Memorial

Mom(Bernice Phillips) in front of the list of names who died during the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Me and Myrl in front of our hotel.

This is as close ae we could get her to the water at Macahah.

This pic is painted on the ceiling in a mall in Waikiki

Mom at Waikiki beach

When we got back to Alaska , we decided we were ready to go back to Hawaii! It was 20 below when we got home and stayed that
way for a while....So now I will be calling our travel agent to see when we can go back. Actually our next trip will be to
Guam.. Myrl lived there for a couple of years and he liked it better than Hawaii so we need to visit there next. Who knows
, maybe the next pics I put on here will be from Guam....