An Akers married a McCoy. That is why I have added these lines on my site. I was told that a Hutson Hatfield was raised
by McCoy's and that he took on the name of McCoy. I just started these lines so as soon as I get info I will get it here.
The McCoys , Thornsberry's , and Akers were all from Pike co Kentucky. I was told that Paris McCoy was a brother
to Randolph McCoy,the infamous character of the feud. Paris McCoy is supposed to be Tessie's gggrandpa. Also I
was told that Jesse James was supposed to have stopped and gotten a drink of water from Uriah McCoy's well.
Source: Tessie Akers
In Loving Memory
Bud Akers Jr
Born Feburary 22,1922 Died May 19,2004
Services held in The Chapel, Frank E Smith Funeral Home Lancaster Ohio
May 24,2004 Monday, 10:30 AM
Officiating: Pastor Melvin Truex
Internment : Floral Hills Memory Gardens