Here I will list the West that I have found. For the people that are still living I will not put in birthdates or any
private info. This work is ongoing and I have lots yet to get on here.
All my info is in gedcom format. Go to and search for any of these names . You can then download the file,
or contact me and I will email it to you.
1910 Census
Gilmer Co.
Dekalb District
May 2 1910
West, Jerry 21 Yrs old Farmer
Ici (this is the way the enumerator spelled it) 16 Yrs old
1930 Census: I found thru the census they were living in S Parkersburg in 1930. The date was April 2, 1930
Jerry West
This sheet of the census is very hard to read to I spelled names as they appear to be spelled on the census. Now I have
a new place to look for them as I did not know they were living in Wood county .
Thanks to my cousin, Robin who lives in Parkersburg, we now have a death cert for Icie:
She died 1-15-1931
She was 37 yrs old
Cause of death: Anemia
Place of death: Wood Co. Wva
I will start with me , and see where we end up..... Ilet
Louise West Kidd
Some of my info is suddenly not looking right so I put it here anyway,but will work on it. 12/29/01
I visited the Nobe Cemetery in March of 2002 and did not find Jeremiah and Ice. So now I have to find where they are buried.
I just came across some info that does not jive whith mine. According to census records my info is correct, but til I prove
it , it may be wrong. I would hate to think I was wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. But will work on it to be
sure. But as of now my info is correct....
F-Willard Ralph West b 11/11/25 Index Wv d 2/28/73 Chillicothe,Oh
buried , Nelsonville Ohio
M-Myrtle Bernice Gilliland b Murray City Ohio
Children of Ralph and Bernice
Ilet Louise b Columbus Ohio Ralph Steven b Columbus Ohio David Leon b Columbus Ohio Patricia
Ann b Columbus Ohio
GF-Jeremiah Oliver West b 6/13/1888 Rogersville Pa d 10/28/1949 buried Nobe Wv
GM- Icie Bennett West b 5/1893 Index Wv d 1931 buried Nobe Wv
Children Of Jeremiah and Icie Ernest
Robert Earl Gerald Bonnibell Grace Denzil Bernard Leon Ralph Ruth
GGF- James G West
b 11/10/1851 d 8/22/1922 buried Nobe Wv
GGM-Hester A Oliver b 4/1857 PA d 1937 buried Nobe
Children of James and Hester Charity O Jacob Jeremiah James T Robert Grace Mary A
West b: abt 1831 PA d: April 3 1911 m: Charity Rush b: 1831 PA Children: James George William Morgan
Hiram Ernest
John R
James George West b: Nov 23 1807-1809
d: Jul 1 1853 m: Ruth Ann Martin b: Nov 12 1809 Ohio Children: Jacob Samuel Robert John Thomas
Margaret Mary Marie Ellen Jane
Jacob West b:abt 1792 York Co PA d: m:Mary Alice Jacobs 1811
Greene Co PA Children: Elizabeth Jane John Benson Rufus James G Lucinda Mary Ann Susanna Hannah
John West b: 1751 Pa d: 1826 Greene Co PA m: Margaret May 1790 Lancaster Co PA b:1771 Children:
Elizabeth Jacob Susannah Susannah James George Samuel Morgan John
Charles West b:
d: April 9 1789 Newbwerry Twp Pa m: Unknown Children: John Charles Hannah There are five more
children but cant find the names.
NOTE:::::: My name , Ilet was given to me because my dad said his mother's name
was Ilet. I have yet to prove this...
My dad , Ralph , fought in the second world war in France. He told my mother that once he got home he would never leave his
United States again! He served from 1943 til 1945 in the army. As soon as his military records get here I will put them here.
Louise 12/18/01
Once again this is my dad, Ralph West

This is my mom, Bernice Gilliland West Phillips
My brother Dave on the left, my sister Patty and my brother Steve West

This is my husband Myrl Kidd and me on our front porch in Chugiak, Alaska. See, we dont live in Igloos !!!! At this time I
don't have a good program for editing my photos so bear with me til I do... I will be adding the Kidd family line soon but
there is so much info that it will take me a while to do it.
